Prayer is coming to God and telling Him that we need Him. We are able to cast all our burdens onto the shoulder of our Lord Jesus Christ by placing them before Him and not taking them back. Jesus died to redeem us from our sins and bring us to have fellowship with Him and the Father. Would He not also take all our cares?
We trust Jesus for our eternal salvation! Let us also trust Him for our daily needs!
Have you got a request to put before God and want us to stand with you in making your supplication known to Him? You can fill in whatever it is you want us to pray for you in the form provided below. Just scroll down for the form.
Do you doubt that God is for you? Are there moments when you feel that He does not care? Or He there? Have you been praying and don't seen to get through to God? Are you wondering whether God is listening at all? And in your heart, you are screaming out to Him, "Where are you, God?" Or are you whispering to Him in the quietness of the night, with tears running down your cheeks, "Are you listening, Lord? Why are you so quiet... Don't you care? Don't you care what's happening to me, God?" |
Frank E. Graeff, the man who wrote 'Does Jesus Care?' can empathize with you. He knew what it's like to bring your supplication to God and not be able to hear Him or get an answer to your situation.
This is what Frank Graeff wrote:
Does Jesus care when my heart is pained
Too deeply for mirth and song;
As the burdens press, and the cares distress,
And the way grows weary and long?
And here is his own response to his sorrow and pain:
O yes, He cares -
I know He cares!
His heart is touched with my grief
When the days are weary, the long nights dreary,
I know my Savior cares.
To read the rest of this hymn, click Does Jesus Care?
Frank Graeff knew his Lord and Savior and kept on trusting the word of his faithful Lord.
"...casting all your cares on Him, for He careth for you." 1 Peter 5:7
Meditate on the words of the hymn, Does Jesus Care? and take heart; for Jesus truly cares for you, my friend.
I know.
There were times in my own life when I faced situations I could not handle, when I was cornered into the wall and had no solution...when I called out to God and God didn't seem to be I'd been left an orphan helpless in the world.
I stormed heaven's gate.
I could only hear my own cries.
What did I do?
Believe that God cares. Believe that God is near and though I can't hear Him or feel Him, He is closer than my hand. He's in me - abiding in my heart.
Believe in His promises.
When we walk with God, there will be times when we cannot hear His voice, or feel His Presence. During times like these, we need to trust His Word. We need to tenaciously; like a dog with his bone, lay hold of God's promises and not doubting but believe that God will come through for us.
Let us boldly come into the presence of God and uphold one another in prayer.
Send in your request by filling in the form below and click SEND and upon receiving your request, we will begin to pray for you.
Please do not feel neglected if we are not able to write back to you. Be assured that we are praying for you and your situation.
If possible, return to update us on your situation so that we can pray intelligently and most of all, that we'll be able to stand together with you to praise God for your progress and His timely intervention in your situation.
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