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Scripture Verse
I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
Psalm 69:30(KJV)
I Will Praise Him, Hallelujah!
~ Daniel O. Teasley, 1906
Stanza 1:
Oh, I praise the Lord who bought me, hallelujah!
I’m a happy pilgrim bound for glory land;
I am singing, and I hope to sing forever,
When before His throne eternal I shall stand.
I will praise Him, hallelujah!
I will praise Him more and more:
If I had ten thousand lives in which to praise Him
I could not enough my blessed Lord adore.
Stanza 2:
I will praise Him for salvation, hallelujah!
Richest treasure human spirits ever found;
Once I wandered far away, was sad and lonely,
But I’m dwelling now where pleasures e’er abound.
Stanza 3:
Oh, I’ll never cease to praise Him, hallelujah!
For He gives me peace abounding every day;
He redeemed me from my sins and fully cleansed me,
And I find His service sweeter all the way.
Stanza 4:
I will praise the name of Jesus, hallelujah!
I will praise Him for His mercies unto me;
Then I’ll praise Him with the angels in the morning,
When the face of my dear Savior I shall see.
Stanza 5:
Oh, I praise Him for the strength He daily gives me,
I am running now to gain that heav’nly prize;
Soon with joy I’ll reach the goal of life immortal,
And go sweeping through the gates of paradise
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