Buy Christian Hymns Online

Need a hymn for church service? Get instant download here!

Need to buy Christian hymns for a church worship service or for your own personal worship time? Here are some of your all time favorite hymn music which you can download immediately onto your computer, iPod, iPad or phones for your listening pleasure.

Glorify Him! Christian Hymns/glorify him christian hymns

These Christian music are produced by Great Christian Hymns and by buying your hymn music listed below, you are contributing to offset the cost for keeping this hymn website online.

About Francis Purcell

Francis Purcell is widely known for his many guitar soft mood albums. He has been playing the guitar since 14 year of age when he was first given a guitar by his mother.

Today, Francis Purcell, a committed disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, plays mainly for church services and has decided to record his favorite hymns as tributes to our Lord and King.

Glorify Him!

Glorify Him!, aptly titled is a compilation of 10 popular hymns that glorify our Heavenly Father.

This is a guitar instrumental hymn music album skillfully played by Francis Purcell on his Kohno guitar. You will love the heartwarming music of these age old hymns redone in a modern style. It is a modern rendition of each hymn and yet not robbing it of the hymn music's original majestic nature and character.

Glorify Him! is a great album to play before the worship service as members are just coming into the sanctuary; preparing each worshiper's heart for the church service and Word of God.

It is also just the right music for ones personal devotion. Listen to the music and hum along while you work. Play it in the background while you meditate on God's word.

Thank you for purchasing. We look forward to producing more of these wonderful traditional hymns and making them available for sale on this website.

Do remember that when you buy Christian hymns listed above, you are helping me to keep online indefinitely and at the same time spreading the Word of God abroad to all who are directed to this Christian website.

I pray that Glorify Him! will bring you closer to our Lord and Redeemer and enables you to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

In His Service,

Flora Tan/flora tan

Flora Tan

~ who loves God and loves to worship Him with these great christian hymns.

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Praise the LORD.
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise Him!

~ Psalm 147:1

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